“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti
Jiddu Krishnamurti was found one day as he was picking through trash. Just another poor Indian boy forgotten by the world. This one would walk a very different path. His aura gave him away. Pure and white, it spoke of greater spiritual destiny. Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater had finally found their Buddha.
Theosophists had long been waiting for the reincarnation of Buddha. The ancient texts promised his return where he would appear as the Maitreya – the friend. Theosophists believed that Buddha had not reincarnated because he was unable to find a suitable host. Why not hasten his return by creating one for him? A plan was set in motion.
Krishnamurti was raised and bred to be that perfect host. No expense was spared. He was given the best education in England. He was supported and surrounded by some of the world’s most advanced spiritual practitioners. All their eggs were in this one basket. Destiny awaited.
It all came to a climax on the 3rd of August 1929. Theosophists worldwide gathered in the Netherlands to see the holy vessel that was Jiddu Krishnamurti. It was a meeting of the Order of the Star – an organization whose sole purpose was to usher in the new era.
The moment was perfect. As thousands sat around him, he shocked his audience by announcing the dissolution of the Order. It was a radical break from his past and a bold affirmation of his own Being.
“Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or coerce people along a particular path…” — Krishnamurti, on that fateful night
Thus began Jiddu Krishnamurti’s career as a world teacher. He travelled from place to place and delivered teachings to anyone that would listen. With the Cold War at its peak, these were heady days for humanity. In Krishnamurti many found inspiration for a better world – proof that we could live very differently on this fragile planet.
Krishnamurti tirelessly preached that spiritual enlightenment was at hand for anyone who wanted it. He abhorred all gurus, masters, spiritual practices and religions. The truth was found within and no where else. Given his life experience, his antagonism to organizations and prescribed paths is understandable.
The rebelliousness that seeded his independence colored the entirety of his teaching. He spoke the truth but it was not very practical for the spiritual seeker. How many of his close disciples reached the same heights as he? None.
Krishnamurti was not wrong. It is possible for one to realize one’s true nature by simply recognizing the fact, but it is perhaps 1 in 100 million that is prepared for such a feat. For the rest of us, spiritual practices are useful tools to help us get up that mountain. Without them we are not prepared to make the journey.
Towards the end of his life, Krishnamurti lamented that his decades of preachings had all gone to waste. He feared that his talks were treated as a form of spiritual entertainment. The people around him had not really changed. They could quote him at length, but none could share in his experience of our true nature.
Enlightenment Story
Then, on the 17th of August, I felt acute pain at the nape of my neck and I had to cut down my meditation to fifteen minutes. The pain instead of getting better as I had hoped grew worse. The climax was reached on the 19th. I could not think, nor was I able to do anything, and I was forced by friends here to retire to bed. Then I became almost unconscious, though I was well aware of what was happening around me… Read the rest of Jiddu Krishnamurti’s enlightenment story.
Jiddu Krishnamurti teachings are pretty useless, it is spiritual entertainment. He came to enlightenment by spontaneous awakening without any practice, so he dismisses the true value of a spiritual practice which the average person needs. Sure, have a healthy relationship with spiritual teachers and gurus, know that they are human too. Shouldn’t throw away the baby with the bath water as spiritual practices have produced many sages and saints over the course of history.
I don’t agree! Please accept the fact that you have not understood what he had talked about-absolutely the most profound as Ashtavakra or as Nagarjuna for example. Please note time and thought are our greatest impediment. That is all have to say.
It’s ok let them practice what they want to reach wherever they want I am happy I have found Krishnamurti after years of struggling with yoga and concept of vipassana and anapana and being in the present until you actually realize the observer was the observed all this time , they call it useless because they want a reward they want enlightenment they wanna reach somewhere , Ashtavakra well explained everything
WELL, i do agree with u, partially. some kind of spiritual entertaining indeed because of the way he teaches and ignore the spiritual guidence form gurus and etc.
although it is possible to learn from what he says (at least it was like this to me) after a time reading and watching him.
life is unfair.
I agree
Am fortunate that the esoteric experienced that ie-i have had showed me how we are imprinted and imprinting ourselves with limitation. The nature of reality has been hidden from us and we have not been shown how the truth. To know something, we must have the direct experience of it.
To fully comprehend the human design, we must be shown how this design operated. We must be guided to the nature of our multidimensional expression as the projector and the projected and the awareness field and the thought field (conscious and subconscious mind) and Consciousness the field of recorded experiences.
We are all at various levels spiritually, emotionally, and mentally and at various degrees of comprehension of consciousness and different levels of comprehension of the functioning of the Subconscious Mind and Autonomic Nervous System.
Regardless to what is happening on the surface we should be working to clear the Subconscious Mind-Attractor Field so that we have clear vision and can hear clear guidance as to how to deal with every situation.
Intimacy (in-to-me-see) is the foundation of life. How many people know themselves intimately? How many people know what drives them to think how they think or do what they do? How many people are intimate with life?
Intimacy requires self-awareness and presence. Intimacy is the foundation of all quality relationships starting with our relationship with ourselves, with each other, and with life and is necessary for quality communication.
How often do we find ourselves thinking about how we will respond to what someone is saying to us and not being fully present to what is being communicated?
To be intimate with ourselves, our partner, our children is to see them, to feel them, to hear them, and to understand them; to fully take them in and give us over to them. Can we do this if our subconscious mind is full of thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and about the people in our life?
It was an odd sensation to realize that my body was being denied feeling beautiful for all those years just because of an idea that ie-I bought into that was not even true. How many ideas do we have running in our Subconscious Mind-Attractor Field-Aura that we are not aware of?
It was shown to me how once we drop the causal-carnal-conditioned-thinking mind, that part of us that has us defining and limiting our experience, we truly are free.…
If we are not working on our quantum entanglements and resolving our emotional and mental state and state of consciousness we will remain on the karmic wheel of discontent, on the wheel of “karmic rebound” or “comeback”..
We should never avoid how we feel however, it should be noted that most of the time what we are feeling is the result of what the subconscious mind is programmed with. We are feeling though the stories we have been programmed with. As a child ie-I was bullied by the other children after going to school. My subconscious was programmed with the idea “ie-I am fat and ugly”. Regardless to what we see in the mirror the program overrides what we see. This realization was brought to my attention when ie-I was 58 years old and ie-I actually got to feel what “feeling beautiful” felt like.
We are all at various levels of comprehension of self, or self-realization. We are each perceiving reality though the lenses of what we have experienced, we are seeing though and feeling through the Subconscious Mind-Attractor Field-Aura much like looking through a dirty window until it is cleansed and purified.
We are all at various levels of comprehension of self, or self-realization. We are each perceiving reality though the lenses of what we have experienced and what was programmed into the Subconscious Mind-Attractor Field during our experiences.
We are in fact seeing though and feeling through the Subconscious Mind-Attractor Field-Aura much like looking through a dirty window until it is cleansed and purified.
We are each at various mental and emotional states and states of consciousness and awareness as to how we operate. And once we come to the realization that everyone we meet, and every situation is an opportunity to be free then we have come full circle to fully comprehend our state of being.
If a person is still being “hurt” by what others are telling them they should know that they are still a victim to their programming. If we are interested in self-empowerment and self-healing, we should be interested in fully comprehending the Natural Law-Spiritual Law and the Law of One-the Law of Love.
Once we come to the realization that everyone we meet, and every situation is an opportunity to be free then we have come to fully comprehend your state of being.
If a person is still being “hurt” by what others are telling them they should know that they are still a victim to their programming. If we are interested in self-empowerment and self-healing, we should be interested in fully comprehending Natural Law-Spiritual Law and the Law of One-the Law of Love.
Once we drop the causal-carnal-conditioned-thinking mind, that part of us that has us defining and limiting our experience, we truly are free.…
If we are not working on our quantum entanglements and resolving our emotional and mental state and state of consciousness we will remain on the karmic wheel of discontent or “comeback”… it is up to us to align with the infinite intelligence of the heart and be guided by it.
The subconscious mind is simply power without direction and our awareness of what is programmed in the subconscious is a key to self-mastery.
Thoughts are things, they exist as light and are electromagnetic in nature and will draw to us like frequencies. There is a Divine Plan for our life and when we continue to create from the same mental and emotional state and state of consciousness, we will get more of the same…
When we are able to see how we draw all experiences to us for the purpose of resolving this energy frequency to be free then we are on the path to overcoming ourselves…
Every man, every entity, every situation is a golden link in the chain of my good and is leading me to the promised land…
It would serve the collective for each of us to be aware of what we are programming our subconscious mind with.
In other words, if we are being hurt by what others say to us then they have touched a nerve. They are reflecting back to us a “story” like “I’m not good enough” or “no one loves me”, etc. that is running in the subconscious mind- attractor field-aura that we have been programmed with from other experiences. We should be gracious and thank our loved ones for assisting us to recognize and pinpoint these false programs.
Presence is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and to others that are in the process of coming back home to themselves….
Are we in fact programming the subconscious mind and autonomic nervous system with limitations and diminishing our own light and the frequency of love that we are when we are not in the awareness of our programming?
Florence Shovel Shinn wrote in her novel The Game of Life and How to Play It, “We now know from a scientific standpoint that death could be overcome by stamping the subconscious mind with the conviction of eternal youth and eternal life. The subconscious being simply power without direction carries out orders without question. Working under the direction of the super-conscious the Christ or God within man the resurrection of the body would be accomplished. Man would no longer throw off his body in death it would be transformed into the body electric the song by Walt Witman.
Jesus Christ said, “be of good cheer I’ve overcome the world.”
The world thought is that of sin, sickness, and death. He saw their absolute unreality and said, “sickness and sorrow shall pass away and death itself, the last enemy, be overcome.”
Jesus said, “judge not by appearances, judge righteously (right judgment) There is an occult law of indifference, Jesus Christ knows this law. He said, “nothing of these things moves me, none of these things disturb me?”
Do we really have faith and trust in our light and in our love? We should be clearing the field daily in order to fully activate the “Light Body”. The “Light Body” when fully activated has the ability to transcend and transmute all that is not of it.
ie-I have designed Clearing and Activation Statements to assist myself based on my own esoteric experiences and comprehension of the human design and work as a meditation instructor based in the teachings of Florence Shovel Shinn. She wrote the books “The Game of Life and How to Play It” and “The Power of The Spoken Word”… we are in the process of uploading the video to YouTube… ❤
When the eyes are one, we see only good, we are undisturbed by evil.” end quote…
What does “unconditional love” mean to you?
❤ Self-awareness is the key to self-mastery ❤
❤ one love for eternity ❤
❤ love is a frequency ❤ an energetic impulse ❤ it is our natural state ❤ we are already love and infinite intelligence in expression ❤ it is up to us to fully comprehend the human design and stop programming the subconscious mind-attractor field and autonomic nervous system with limitation ❤ love is simple and not in the least bit complex or complicated when fully understood ❤ it is everything that we have been programmed with that makes love complex ❤ when will we take an active role in cleaning the window to the souls knowing? ❤ it is us that must be alert to what we are programming the subconscious mind-attractor field with and that keeps us in the perpetual loop of discontent and on the wheel of “karmic rebound” or “comeback” ❤ activate the purified heart and the 3rd eye “when the eyes become one the whole body is full of light and all we see is good”
❤ eternal love ❤