“Enlightenment is, in the end, nothing more than the natural state of being.” — Adyashanti
Adyashanti is Sanskrit for “primordial peace”. Fitting for a man with such a gentle way about him. The name comes with the promise that you too can bask in the everlasting glow of deep inner peace. Few spiritual seekers would refuse such a gift. All you have to do is follow his lead. Easy enough, right?
Enlightenment is a process of reunion with your Source. Adyashanti first glimpsed Knowledge – his true nature – at the tender age of 25. After six years of growth, introspection and letting go, he completely fell into the depth of his true nature and has been enlightened ever since.
How did he do it? He was a Zen practitioner for 14 years but his awakening is beyond any particular spiritual practice or tradition. After all, some practice Zen their whole lives but fail to reach such heights of consciousness. Many of his peers had been in the service for decades. He once remarked that he did not want to end up like them. Adyashanti realized that his enlightenment was not predicated upon sitting in a particular way or by following a certain teacher.
Adyashanti used journaling as a means of liberating himself from his mind. He would spend hours deliberating over his deepest thoughts and feelings. This requires radical honesty and a certain amount of courage. Our greatest demons are found within. Not all seekers are ready to face them.
Can we all find enlightenment in this fashion? Adyashanti joins a long list of advanced practitioners that say one can realize one’s true nature by simply recognizing the truth of our situation. Is he wrong? No. Is this helpful? No. A certain amount of training and preparation are required to be a strong vehicle for our greater spiritual nature. Regrettably, Adyashanti fails to focus on this. It is a disservice to all his followers.
Enlightenment Story
I had my first what traditionally would be called awakening experience when I was 25 years old. This was very powerful and full of emotion and release and joy and bliss and all that it is supposed to be full of. But, because there was so much emotion involved, it obscured the simplicity of awakeness itself. Like so many others, I continued to chase certain ideas and concepts of what awakeness was supposed to be. That caused years of misery… Read Adyashanti’s enlightenment story.
no body comment on enlightened people .
i always happy for master person
every enlightened master i shaluted .
An enlightened or a liberated person is beyond words or communication. The best way to communicate with them is by way of silence.
“Are you a God?” they asked Buddha. “No he replied.”
“Are you an Angel
“A saint?” “No.”
“Then what are you?”
Replied the Buddah, “I am Awake.”
Just what is being awake seems to always be diagnosed by those claiming to be “awake” now isn’t it? Here’s some enlightenment:
Interesting way to plug your own videos. Lol
One who is truly awakened will know they are awakened for the bonds of sleep have escaped their senses and they no longer need to ask.
Dear Adyashanti,
Thank you for sharing your practices, particularly “getting out of one’s own way”! I have gotten out of my own way, and because of that, infinite possibility is available. A Harmonic Human Convergence is being born. It will provide the platform for all people with an advanced calibrated level of consciousness to come together, in enormous POWER, with the sole intention of changing the course of human evolution. We can no longer “wait”.
This is my purpose. You are now a part of it.
Warmest regards,