"The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death." — Osho
Who was Osho? Was he the "master of masters", a great being that incarnated to advance human understanding? Or was he just another self-important guru out for fame and fortune? Perhaps he was a bit of … Continue Reading ››
"Despite millions of learned pundits and thousands of wise men, Only God understands, His own way of working!"
She sat silently. Day in and day out. Always under that same tree, near the road. Nothing at all remarkable about her. Unless you had the eyes and heart to see, that is. She was a silent sufi … Continue Reading ››
"You must win your Self back. Wisdom and trust will be your compass."
Anthony Paul Moo-Young, affectionately known as "Mooji" by his followers, is one of the most well-known Neo-Advaita teachers today. It's difficult to browse Facebook or Youtube without coming across one of his quotes or satsang videos. How many satsang videos does it take to … Continue Reading ››
"Only God is love, and for this love to be fully realized self must step aside. And not only do we not need a self to love God, but for the same reason we do not need a mind to know him, for that in us which knows God, is God." — Bernadette Roberts
Only in the Silence can the SELF be known as It is, and this is not "knowing" in the subject-object sense. — Franklin Merrell-Wolff
Few people have successfully bridged the gap between philosophy and mysticism. A philosopher's reasoning is governed by such logical rigidity that it can cement the mind against greater possibilities. Franklin Merrell-Wolff is … Continue Reading ››
"A truly spiritual person lives for the Truth, and breathes for Love." — Amma
Can a hug change the world? How about 20 million hugs? Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī, better known as "Amma" (mother), is working day and night to find out. Her hugging marathons draw massive crowds. Devotees see her as a living saint. They seem to find … Continue Reading ››