“No one succeeds without effort… Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.”
“Your duty is to be and not to be this or that. ‘I am that I am’ sums up the whole truth. The method is summed up in the words ‘Be still’. What does stillness mean? It means destroy yourself. Because any form or shape is the cause for trouble. Give up the notion that ‘I am so and so’. All that is required to realize the Self is to be still. What can be easier than that?”
“Have faith in God and in yourself; that will cure all. Hope for the best, expect the best, toil for the best and everything will come right for you in the end.”
“Aim high, aim at the highest, and all lower aims are thereby achieved. It is looking below on the stormy sea of differences that makes you sink. Look up, beyond these and see the One Glorious Real, and you are saved.”
“Forgetfulness of your real nature is true death; remembrance of it is rebirth”
“If the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural (real) state.”
“All that is required to realise the Self is to “Be Still.”
“Remain still, with the conviction that the Self shines as everything yet nothing, within, without, and everywhere.”
“If you hold this feeling of ‘I’ long enough and strongly enough, the false ‘I’ will vanish leaving only the unbroken awareness of the real, immanent ‘I’, consciousness itself”
“Let come what comes, let go what goes. See what remains.”
“The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge spiritual progress.”
“When there are thoughts, it is distraction: when there are no thoughts, it is meditation.”
“We loosely talk of Self-realization, for lack of a better term. But how can one realize or make real that which alone is real? All we need to do is to give up our habit of regarding as real that which is unreal. All religious practices are meant solely to help us do this. When we stop regarding the unreal as real, then reality alone will remain, and we will be that.”
“Reality is simply the loss of ego. Destroy the ego by seeking its identity. Because the ego is no entity it will automatically vanish and reality will shine forth by itself.”
“Eating, bathing, going to the toilet, talking, thinking, and many other activities related to the body are all work. How is it that the performance of one particular act is alone (considered) work? To be still is to be always engaged in work. To be silent is to be always talking.”
“Why should you trouble yourself about the future? You do not even properly know about the present. Take care of the present, the future will take care of itself.”
“There are no impediments to meditation. The very thought of such obstacles is the greatest impediment.”
“Meditation helps concentration of the mind. Then the mind is free from thoughts and is in the meditated form.”
“Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other thoughts; distraction of mind is a sign of its weakness; by constant meditation it gains strength.”
“When we turn the mind inwards, God manifests as the inner consciousness.”
“See who is the doubter, who is the thinker. It is the ego. Hold it; the other thoughts will die away – the ego will be left pure. See the source from where the ego arises and abide in it. That is pure consciousness.”
“The mind of one meditating on a single object becomes one-pointed. And one-pointedness of mind leads to abidance in the self.”
“Real attainment is to be fully conscious, to be aware of surroundings and the people around, to move among them all, but not to merge consciousness in the environment. One should remain in inner independent awareness.”
“Good thoughts keep off bad thoughts. They must themselves disappear before the state of realization.”
“Turn the mind inward and cease thinking of yourself as the body; thereby you will come to know that the self is ever happy. Neither grief nor misery is experienced in this state.”
“Meditation depends upon the strength of mind. It must be unceasing even when one is engaged in work. Particular time for it is meant for novices.”
“Mind is consciousness, which has limitations. We are originally unlimited and perfect. Later on we take on limitations and become the mind.”
“When one makes the mind stick to one thought, the mind becomes rock-steady and the energy is conserved.”
“The mind is only a bundle of thoughts. The thoughts have their root in the I-thought. Whoever investigates the True “I” enjoys the stillness of bliss.”
“When the mind is left without anything to cling to, it becomes still.”
“The inquiry “who am I” turns the mind introvert and makes it calm.”